Potty Training, Here We Come!

Hey, guys!

I’m about to embark on the adventure of potty training. Madison is ready.  I think. Now it’s just about me being ready.

She pees on the potty a lot, even asks to, it’s not only just when she’s running around naked. She poops on the potty, too. Although sometimes she doesn’t want to poop on the potty and wants to stay in her diaper… So that’s kind of weird.

She’s starting to want to do everything herself, which I read was a sign of being ready to potty train. She has to take her diaper off by herself (when using the potty) she has to brush her own teeth (of course I do it for her after she does!) , she gets in her car seat by herself, she’s even trying to dress herself! Key work = trying!  Recently she just always says “I do it!” and everything takes ten times longer to get done, LOL.

But anyway, HERE’S THE PLAN:

* I want to do the 3 day potty training thing. I haven’t even read much about it yet, but I do know it’s where you don’t do anything for 3 days, you just stay home, and potty train ALL DAY LONG for 3 days straight. So we will basically live in the bathroom for 3 days.

* I bought her some underwear, which for some reason she really doesn’t want to wear. But at some point during those 3 days she will inevitably need to wear pants, so she’ll have to wear them. She’ll get used to it.

* For naps and bedtime I plan to put her in diapers. I’m sure she’ll still have accidents when she’s sleeping and I don’t want to have to change the crib sheets 2 times a day. I only have 3 crib sheets! I refuse to buy Pull-Ups. I don’t see the point in them.

* I did buy some washable training pants. They are like actual underwear but with an absorbent liner. I’m not sure how much they will absorb, but for the first couple weeks after getting rid of the diapers, she can wear those when we need to go out to stores and whatnot. And it will give me a little more peace of mind.

* I don’t think I’m going to do a potty chart. I haven’t needed one yet. I offered her stickers a few times after she went on the potty and she wasn’t even interested in it. She was just happy with me getting all excited and screaming “good job!!” and hugging her after she went on the potty. BUT for the 3 day potty training thing, I might make a chart. If we use it, great, if not, who cares.

* I’ll probably reward her with candy or something throughout the day if she’s doing really well. CANDY FOR DAYS!!

* I’m also looking into buying this Fisher Price portable potty. She can pee in the car when there isn’t a bathroom around, and it also comes with one of those little folding potty seats that you can stick right in your bag and it fits on the big toilet so she doesn’t fall in.

So that’s pretty much it. That’s my plan. We are trying to see if we can go to the beach one last time this summer (maybe this Saturday), and then I’ll potty train her after that.  I’m going to make sure I have all my errands done and don’t need to go anywhere for 3 days, preferably more, and we can knock this potty training thing out, 1, 2, 3. Haha. A mom can dream, right?!

Potty Training

She will never finish a whole pee on the potty! She sits down, pees a little bit, I wipe her and she goes and plays or whatever. Then 5 minutes later she says she has to pee again, and we do it all over again! This goes on for like 4 or 5 times! It’s SOO aggravating and annoying. I don’t know how to get her to just pee ALL her pee at once. LOL

She’s been being naked for an hour or 2 at a time now in the mornings and she pees on the potty that whole time.

Bought her some underwear but she didn’t want to even try them on. She prefers being naked.

By the way, we aren’t officially potty training yet.  I’m just letting her get used to the potty and used to peeing on it and such. After we take our trip to the beach, then I will potty train her for real .

For some reason my patience is just getting really thin.  I used to be able to deal with Madison until about 6pm, and then I started getting really annoyed easily. Now sometimes it’s only 2pm and I’ve already had it. 😦 It makes me feel terrible and I just want to have my patience back. I don’t know what’s going on with me in that area. I’m trying to learn to calm down and not let little things irritate me so much.

Madison is ready to be potty trained. She pees on the potty a lot and pooped in it for the first time today! I was so excited. We are taking a day trip to the beach maybe next Monday if the weather is okay, and then after that I’m going to try to get her potty trained. She’s excited to wear underwear. She always talks about “getting undies” lol.

She is talking SO much now, in like complete sentences. It’s crazy. But then other times she just babbles and I think it’s because she wants to hear herself talk!

I’m not sure where to look when it comes to finding a job. I could apply at retail stores, but do I really want to work at one, is the question. I guess I will just see what is available after our day trip, and after potty training. Because I don’t want to have to be working and trying to potty train at the same time, because it will be a lot more difficult.  I am looking forward to getting a break from the monotony and bringing in a little extra cash.

I need to get 2 new tires on my car. I’m setting up a play date for Madison with one of my friends who also has a baby, but she lives about30-40 minutes away. It would suck if my tire popped or something on the way there! Tires are expensive, but I guess just need to do it before something worse happens from driving on bad tires.

I also need to get my hair cut. Maybe one day this week my mom can watch Madison while I go do that, or I can go on the weekend.